
Here is a rolling list of my product ideas and business designs that I have developed, resulting in either discarding them or putting them on pause pending future research:

  1. PowerCube: a capacity tariff to fight UK fuel poverty
  2. PowerSensr: a smart voltage logger
  3. SecondChance: reducing retailer waste
  4. TRMH: social impact bonds to improve mental health
  5. Rental version of eBay or Amazon
  6. Seismic sensor network and trading algorithm to hedge against earthquakes in Silicon Valley
  7. WaterAlert: basic moisture detector for pot plants
  8. MirrorMirror: booth-based 3D scanner for online shopping
  9. Scannd/CamScan: phone-based 3D scanner for online shopping (post pending)
  10. Map and Graph Museum: a dedicated space celebrating data visualisation (post pending)
  11. CashZap: calendar-based personal financial management (post pending)
  12. IMTech (post pending)
  13. GridQ: digital platform to help DNOs manage connection requests (post pending)
  14. Spotify for newspapers and magazines (post pending)
  15. Prime Minister: a Football Manager-style politics simulator (post pending)
  16. Drinx: queue-busting app to pre-order food and drinks at busy events (post pending)
  17. DroneZone: London warehouse drone “racetrack” and bar (post pending)